Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

detox with cupping body therapy


Praise be to Allaah have mercy and His blessings so that this can be done Kary wrote.
This work was completed to fill a column writer of the English language and also as a medium of learning so that more writers can make the paper.
The author presents this work with a source of books written by these studies.
Authors hope that this work can motivate readers to apply what is written here.
The author quite expect criticism and suggestions to improve this work.

Thank You



1.1              Background
            Hijamah Cupping is a technique or treatment with blood throw dirt road (a dangerous poison) from the body through the surface of Al Hijamah kulit.Perkataan derived from Arabic terms: Hijamah (حجامة) which means the disposal of dirty blood. Whereas in English called cupping, and in wither known as Cupping.
            In Indonesia also known as headers. Cupping is a treatment which is exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, as described in the hadith of Bukhari: From Ibn Abbas the Prophet said: "The Healing (medicine) that exist in three ways: by drinking honey, the knife hijamah (bruise), and with a hot iron. And I forbid my ummah with a hot iron." (Hadith Bukhari) Hadith Cupping.


2.1   Type of bleed
          Bruise or bleed dry wind (Hijamah Jaaffah), which is sucking the skin surface and massage places around without removing the dirty blood. Dry Cupping is efficacious for pain relief in an emergency or used to alleviate back veins The pain due to rheumatic pain, also cause disease The pain back. Dry Cupping is good for people who can not stand needles and injections afraid of seeing blood. The skin will appear red dibekam swart for 3 days. Cupping wet (Hijamah Rothbah), ie we do bleed dry first, then we injure the skin surface with a sharp needle (Lancet), and the surrounding inhaled by means of cupping set and hand pump to remove the dirty blood from the body.
          The duration of each suction 3 to 5 minutes, and a maximum of nine minutes, then dumped his dirty blood. Sucking is not more than seven times suction. Gross blood in the form of thick red blood and bubbly. And as long as three hours after in-bruise, bruised skin that it should not be drenched with water. Repetition time distance bleed at the same place is a three-week .
             Time berbekam should berbekam conducted in mid-month, due to dirty blood were gathered and more aroused (blood was at the peak of turbulence). " Anas bin Malik relates that: "Rasulullah SAW used to do hijamah at temples and shoulders. He did on the day of the seventeenth, nineteenth or keduapuluhsatu." (Diriwayatkan oleh Ahmad). (Narrated by Ahmad).             Timing is as a preventive action bleed to maintain health and guarding themselves against disease. As for the treatment of disease, it must be done at any time when necessary. In this respect Imam Ahmad did bleed on any day when necessary. Imam ash-Syuyuthi point to the opinion of Ibn Umar, that berbekam on an empty stomach is the best because in it there is healing. It is advisable for those who want to not eat berbekam-heavy foods 2-3 hours before.
 Bruise can relieve pain in the shoulders and throat if it were done on the nape. Can also alleviate pain in the head serperti face, teeth, ears and nose if the disease is caused by blockage in the blood or blood rusaknyajaringan. Abu Ubaid mentions in his book "Gharibul Hadith" by Abdur Rahman bin Abi Laila isnaad:  
"That the Prophet, do bruise on his head with horns as if by magic man"  
            Bruise also very useful for treating people who have food poisoning, can and the like. the more so if the country is a land of hot and happening in the summer. The strength of the poison through the blood to flow throughout the body so the body. sweating, poison had spread kejantung, so that poisoning can not be helped anymore. Muhammed chose cupping on nape (neck) because it's the closest place to the heart, although the material did not come out the poison that was enough to all.but alleviate the suffering of people who were poisoned.
            Doing bruise under the chin can cure toothache, pain in the face, throat and the neck veins, and clean the head and both hands. Berbekam on the back foot (upper foot) could replace sephena venesection, which is a large vein at the ankle, eliminating warts (ulcers) that grow in both thighs, calves and shins. Can stop the release of menstrual blood (dissolution of menstruation) and itching fruit testes (male scrotum). Berbekam below the chest above the stomach can cure boils, ringworm / scabies, and panu in the thigh. Feet are often numb / rheumatic pain, gout, hemorrhoids disease (hermorhoid), kegajahan disease (leg swelling) or elephantiasis, and itching at the back.

More detail, described as follows:
1.    AL AKHDA'AIN :
a)    Located in the surrounding muscles (neck muscles) right and left, around the internal jugular vein and surrounding muscle sternocleidomastoideus. sternocleidomastoideus.
b)   It is a hub of activity and propagation of small and large intestine.
c)    Role in the treatment of goiter, afonia, stiff neck / neck pain throat, flu, swollen cheeks, tinnitus, prevent headaches, pain , face, toothache, earache, nasal congestion, sore throat.

2.    ILTIWA' '
a)      It is located below the inner ankle (medial malleolus), between the medial malleolus to the heel bone (calcaneus)
b)      Represents centers kidney propagation
c)      Role in the treatment of tinnitus, haemoptysis, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ejaculation, uric acid, kidney, bronkietasis, pain backs, etc. urinary disorders.

a)         Located in the bulge around the neck bone vertebrae spinous VII), between the shoulder (acromion) right and left, shoulder height.
b)        It is a meeting point and propagation organs gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and bladder
c)         Role in the treatment of neck pain, fever, epilepsy, cough, flu, asthma, etc. stiff backs.
       Anas Ibn Malik said: "Rasulullah SAW.'ve dibekam at al akhda'ain dan al kahil" (HR. At Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud, Hakim dan Ahmad). akhda'ain and al kahil "(Narrated by At Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Hakim and Ahmad).

4.    HAMMAH ('Alaa Ro'sun)
a)         It is the most point on the head, located on the fontanel bone (Osparetale) front, which is located at the intersection between hairline to the back of the front hairline.
b)        Role in the treatment of headaches, dizziness, vertigo, mania, interference, eliminating the influence of magic, stroke etc..

5.    YAFUKH
a)    Located at the intersection of the front and back of the skull bones, os namely between the fontanel bone (os parietale) and brow bone (os frontale).
b)    In children, when pembekaman blood should not be excluded, because the general meeting between the two bones are not closed perfect.
c)    Rrole in the treatment of epilepsy, dizziness, headache, impaired, rinorhea, kejang dll. vision, rinorhea, seizures etc.


Both shoulders. used to treat illness and disease in the shoulder. Neck The Prophet SAW did bleed on both shoulders when given food mutton sleeves that dibubuhu yorang poison by Jews.

7.    'ALA WARIK
Lower back pain From Jabir RA, that penyakit Prophet ever did bruise on his hip because of illness tired of suffered (Narrated by An-Nasai, Ibn Majah).

a)    Located in the back of the head of the bone around the bone protrusion
c)         Section where kalu someone sleep on her back then was qamahduah the head stuck to the ground.
d)        role in the treatment of headache in the back, dizziness, deafness, stiff lidah, schizophrenia, epilepsi, leher kaku, pusing, vertigo dll. tongue, schizophrenia, epilepsy, stiff neck, dizziness, vertigo, etc.

Useful in treating headaches / dizziness in the head, treating toothache and pain to the face, throat treat pain / cough. (From Ibn Abbas said, Rasulullah SAW ever did bleed as much as 3 times on both temples.

Useful for removing warts or ulcers that grow in both thighs,  calves, and shins, Stopping menstruation and discharge darh  itching on the fruit testes (male scrotum) and acid vein.

Useful to cure boils, ringworm / scabies and existing panu in the thigh, which often heal foot pain, treat hemorrhoids, swollen feet cure disease (elephantiasis), eliminating, itching at the back.

       Located in the hind legs below the knee curve. Useful for eliminate fatigue in the legs.

a)  Located in the skull bone at the top slightly to the rear. Precisely in the fontanel bone, in 2 / 3 front.
b)  If the head and the back of the hairline to hairline front section is divided into 12 sections, then located at 7th mugits part of the rear of the line hair and five sections of the line the front hairline.
c)  Be careful when pembekaman head, because it close to the central sensory and motor, which causes paralysis of the organs and tools body.

            Basically the bruise can be done in any place, but it should be  remember there are parts of the body which, if dibekam effect negative. bahaya Therefore must be considered places of danger  these.
            Simpul Bleed point that must be avoided is that many areas of the body node limpa (lymphatic system), the holes in the limbs, body area adjacent to large vessels, the location of palpitations, and parts existing body of varicose veins, tumors, fractures, tissue injury, and forth.
            Lymphatic system is a system of waste removal of the remnants, not metabolism, bad bacteria, the remaining cells, and materials not Another use of tissue in the body into the lymph nodes where destroyed by cell-cell immunity, such as B cells, T cells, and magrofag. Lymphatic system is the area where there are vessels. Spleen blood that produces fluid for controlling the system lymphatic,
immune response, including the chest, neck front, armpit, arm tonsil upper front, groin, part persendiaan, tonsils, throat, and heartburn.
More fully forbidden points as follows:
1.        Inveksi new
Because the blood will gush in and out too a lot. Because with a thin incision in the epidermis only, blood get out much can lead to anemia.
2.        Patella, or kneecap
3.        Right in the bone joints
4.        Varicose veins
It really is a very foolish action if the glass of variceal bleed. varises If the blood vessels that have varicose veins it breaks, it can be life-threatening patients
5.        Tumors and cancer. The principle is the same as varicose veins
6.        Vertebra except in the lower cervical and upper torakal serta bagian bawah lumbar torakal and lower lumbar
7.        Center or the lymph glands or lymph nodes lymphaticy
8.        The holes naturally, such as ear, navel, nipple or breasts, eyes, ears
9.        Section who had chicken pox. The principle is the same as a new wound
10.    In parts of the body is very ill because of high uric acid stage
11.    The pregnant woman's belly.  Even if must bruise, it can be in hijamah from the rear or back
12.    Parts of the body more sensitive and delicate nerves, such as wrist in the arm. This is only limited to caution, for after incision made in the epidermis is very thin
13.    Right in the folds of the body, such as the armpits, groin, elbows in

From Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra, he said, the Prophet said: "The best time for you to do is hijamah  on December 17, 19, and 21 (from months qamariyah). "Naturally on the body fluids in turbulent and reached the peak of the addition. If in the early months of blood yet turbulent blood while at the end of the month have started to diminish. Hijamah timing is as preventive measures to safeguard health and guarding themselves against disease. But as for the case pain did not exactly certain instance / far on that date could cupping. ill at the time because it was the blood in a state not normal.
From Anas RA, Rasulullah SAW said on akhda'ain and cupping ordinary  nape. (HR. He berbekam on December 17, 19, and 21 months of Hijrah.  Tirmidhi: 51/Hasan). Rasulullah SAW said: "Whoever cupping on 17, 19 and 21, then it will cure all diseases "(Narrated by Abu Dawud, (3861), hasan). Abu Dawud, (3861), hasan). Ibn Qoyyim said: "All this hadith accordance with the agreement of the physician that berbekam in the second half a month until the third week of every month, more useful cupping than at the beginning of the month or the end of the month. However, when because of a need for treatment with this method is used, whenever it was done, it is still useful, though at the beginning or end of the month
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Salam said:
الشِّفَاءُ فِيْ ثَلاَثَةٍ: شَرْبَةِ عَسَلٍ وَشَرْطَةِ مِحْجَمٍ وَكَيَّةِ نَارٍ وَإِنِّيْ أَنْهَى أُمَّتِيْ عَنْ الْكَيِّ
"Healing is located on three things: drinking honey, the knife cuts bleed and burn with fire (kay). Indeed I forbid my ummah (treatment) with kay. "(Bukhari)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Salam said:
إِنَّ أَمْثَلَ مَا تَدَاوَيْتُمْ بِهِ الْحِجَامَةُ وَالْفَصْدُ
"Verily, the most ideal method of treatment for you is hijamah (bruise) and fashdu (venesection)." (Bukhari - Muslim)
1.        Cupping Wet (Wet cupping)
gross extravasation method (blood letting) slashed by a razor blade, lancet, scalpel or a sterile needle in the section dibekam.
How to Perform Cupping Wet:
Choose a point under the condition of the patient bleed.
1.        Choose glass bruise (cup) based on the patient's illness level and posture. The bigger the glasses used then the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be better.
2.        Clean the skin that will dibekam with desinfektans / alcohol.
3.        Glass with a piston pump bleed at the desired position as much as 2-3 times the pull, or until the piston can not be withdrawn again.
4.        Let stand for 3-5 minutes.
5.        Bruise and slice off the glass parts of the former bleed with razor blades, lancet, scalpel or sterile needles.
6.        Cupping longer had slashed positions.
7.        Wait for about 3 minutes until blood came out and accumulate on the glass bruise.
8.        Remove and discard the glasses bruise blood come out dirty, clean the glass back bruise and disinfection.
9.        Cupping as much as 3-5 times longer, or until white liquid out of the skin.
10.    Oles former oil cuts and bruise with Habbatus brother '(black cumin).
11.    Do it every month or every two weeks for a severe illness.
2.        Cupping Dry (Dry cupping)
Ie methods that do not bleed out blood from the body.
 How to Perform Cupping Dry:
1.        Choose a bleed point on the patient's condition.
2.        Choose glass bruise (cup) based on the patient's illness level and posture. The bigger the glasses used then the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be better.
3.        Massage section will dibekam with olive oil or oil smeared black cumin for about 5 minutes.
4.        Glass with a piston pump bleed at the desired position as much as 2-3 times the pull, or until the piston can not be withdrawn again.
5.        Let stand for 10 minutes (for men), 7 minutes (for women) or 3 minutes (for children).
6.        Bleed off the glass and back massage with olive oil or black cumin oil for 2-3 minutes to remove the black spots or blisters.
7.        Do it for seven days for adults and 5 days for children, and then interspersed with intervals during the three day period, then resumed again pembekaman.
3.        Skating Cupping (Sliding cupping)
Which is the method in which glass bruise bruise diseluncurkan above the flat surface of the skin (not thick muscles). This method is similar to Guasha (China), scrapping (english) or kerokan (java), but more secure because it does not damage the pores as kerokan.
How to Perform Cupping skating:
1.        Select a point as a prefix skating bleed, usually the top of the shoulder.
2.        Choose glass bruise (cup) based on the patient's illness level and posture. The bigger the glasses used then the level of pain will be greater, but the effect will be better.
3.        Massage section will dibekam with olive oil or oil smeared black cumin for about 5 minutes. Apply a little more oil as a lubricant
4.        Glass with a piston pump bleed at the desired position as much as 2-3 times a pull and then move / seluncurkan slowly until visible bruise (bruise), redness.
5.        Bleed off the glass and back massage with olive oil or black cumin oil for 2-3 minutes.
4.        Quick Cupping (Flash cupping) or Pull Cupping
Which is the method how to pull off with a bruise - pull out quickly in the skin that is difficult dibekam, or if cupping glass tends to fall. This area is usually around the face and forehead.
How to Perform Cupping Fast:
1.        Select a point or a bruise on the forehead of the painful part.
2.        Choose glass bruise (cup) that is proportional to the width of the forehead (not too big).
3.        Glass with a piston pump bleed at the desired position and then release the taste.
4.        Do this repeatedly until the reddish color of skin.
Diagnosis bruise / cupping can be seen from the color of the skin pigment after cupping.” In the book "Canon of Internal Medicine," it says, "The condition of internal organs (internal organs) can be determined by observing the (observed) external symptoms and physical signs, so the disease can be diagnosed."
Reaction bruise marks on the skin pigment is as follows:
1.             Former purple bruise that appears dark or black, in general, this indicates the condition of deficiency (lack of) supply / supply of blood and the channel / channels (vessels) that do not pass the blood are accompanied by the presence of static blood (dried blood).
2.             Former purple bruise that appeared accompanied plaque (spots), in general it indicates the occurrence of disturbance / abnormality of blood clots of purple blood of the static (frozen blood).
3.             Former shaped bruise that appeared purple spots that spread to the different color levels (some old and some light purple). This marked difference "Qi" and static blood.
4.             Former bruise that appears bright red, this usually indicates the occurrence of deficiency of "Yin" deficiency "Qi" and blood or a terrible burning sensation induced by a deficiency of "Yin".
5.             Former berwerna bruise that appeared dark red, this indicates the condition of fat in the blood high heat coupled with the pathogen.
6.             Ex-colored bruise that appeared rather pale / white and did not warm to the touch, this indicates the occurrence of deficiency cold (cold) and the presence of pathogens gas.
7.             The existence of broken lines or rash bruise marks on the surface and taste a little itchy, this indicates the existence of wind conditions (humid) gases pathogens and pathogen disturbances.
8.             The emergence of water vapor on the inside glass wall bruise, indicating the presence of pathogens gases in that area.
9.             The existence of blisters (blisters / raw) on bruise marks, describing the condition of severe disruption in the body of gas. The presence of blood in the blister is thin hot gas reaction to the toxin.
Some things to note on the bruise
1.             Make sure that the bruise was sterile glass and higinis so safe to bleed (especially wet bruise).
2.             For patients who had never previously dibekam, choose glass and bleed from the smallest to the large order is not too sore.
3.             Bleed position can be done by sitting or lying down. Seating position for better blood circulation, but for weak patients who are encouraged to lay down position.
4.             For new patients dibekam, frequently asked how he was doing, whether to feel heartburn, dizziness, nausea, or signs will be another collapse. Immediately stop the bleed if the patient complained of pain.
5.             After bleed faced enough rest. Some patients immediately feel refreshed himself after berbekam on the back and knees, so he will not rest properly, it can cause the return of the disease.
6.             Some people feel his temperature rise after 1-2 days after berbekam, this is normal and will soon disappear.
7.             Patients suffering from contagious or infectious illness in order to be given special attention. For patients with infectious diseases, is expected bekamnya own glasses (single use) and an interpreter bleed like a body protector is recommended to use rubber gloves (Gloves), mask
8.             Patients who suffer from low blood pressure and should be treated extra carefully. Level of consciousness is always monitored so as not to faint. cupping avoided in the lower back area parallel to the navel down, because it can lower blood pressure quickly.
9.             Skin surface resulting small blisters, spots, stains of blood and blood stasis is a normal reaction after a bruise. If the blisters that arise many and large (such as burns), it can be split by a dry sterile needle to exit the fluid (liquid lymphoid) and then disinfected with desinfektansMore advisable if the bruise marks that had this blister gently massaged with olive oil or black cumin.
10.         Patients who experience mental stress, fear, nausea and other mental symptoms, pembekaman discontinued and the patient lie down to relax, calm down and given a drink with sweet drinks (preferably honey) and then be motivated and disugesti to eliminate or minimize mental disorders.
Cupping-ban ban
1.             Not advisable to bleed wet in diabetics unless interpreters who are skilled and experienced bleed.
2.             Do membekam person who physically very weak or those who fatigue (overfatigue).
3.             Don’t cupping people who suffer from skin diseases prevalent or severe skin allergies such as ulceration and edema.
4.             Do not cupping elderly people who are already physically weak and children, whose body is weak or under 3 years.
5.             Patients with leukemia (blood cancer) is not recommended for wet cupping.
6.             Patients with severe hepatitis, active tuberculosis, hemophilia, malignant anemia, thrombocytopenia, and other severe diseases dibekam not recommended except to interpreters who are skilled and experienced bleed.
7.             Do not memberkam conditions of the stomach satiety, thirst, hunger, fatigue, after heavy activity, the body is weak and the body fever (cold).
8.             Do not membekam pregnant woman in the first 3 months of pregnancy (early trimester).
9.             Do cupping directly on the wound area, torn tendon joints, fractures, varicose veins, tumors.
10.         Do not cupping woman who was menstruating and parturition.
11.         Do not be too hard abdomen cupping
12.         Do not cupping patients taking blood-thinning drugs such as facilitator and noni, omega 3, DLS.
13.         Do not do bleed immediately after a meal, pembekaman can be performed at least two hours after eating. Also, do not bleed immediately after eating, but only drink sweet things like honey or in others
14.         Not advisable to do pembekaman to people who suffered heart valve, except under the supervision of a physician or a seasoned expert bruise.
15.         Do not do bleed immediately after bathing, especially after a bath with cold water. Not recommended bath immediately after the bleed, but after two hours. Recommended shower with warm water.
16.         Do not wet membekam new people giving blood donors or people who are new accident that his blood is reduced.
17.         Do not cupping patients with diabetes (blood sugar over 280), except by experts.
18.         Do not cuping in an open space or a cool place. Lebih baik melakukan bekam di ruang yang hangat atau bersuhu normal ruangan. Better to do bleed in a warm room or room-temperature normal.
19.         Reproduction cupping following areas:


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