Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

the miracle of water


This Paper is Made as an Assignment Of The English Courses Are Taken Care Of by Mrs. Lisna


04 Juni 2010

                                                       LIA HASRI[1]                                                      

Water is the most important components needed by the body. Water works to regulate body temperature, aids digestion and chemical processes of the body, remove dirt, paved the joints, and deliver nutrients to body cells.
Thus the importance of water, our bodies are better able to survive without food than without air.Rata average, our body contains about 60% water. From brain, muscle, and skin contain about 75% water to the bone which contains about 20% water. Therefore, we naturally pay attention to quality and quantity of water that we drink.
To function properly, the body needs about two liters of water each day, depending on weight and activities performed. Drink regularly around a glass of water each hour. Do not use thirst as a signal to drink because at that time the body is completely correct deficiencies air.Juga, minimizing beverages containing caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks) and alcohol because these beverages are diuretics, which remove water from the body more than entering. So in the end, the body will become thirstier thanever.

2.      PROBLEMS
Since it was first studied biology, you must mengatahui that 80
percent of the human body consists of water. In fact there are two parts of the body
human which has moisture content above 80 per cent where both have a role
essential for human life, namely brain and blood. The brain has
components of water by 90 percent, while the blood has a component of water
95 percent.
To maintain his health, a normal human being obliged to consume water
at least 2 liters a day or 8 glasses a day. But this measure does not
apply on your hobby of smoking, otherwise you need to consume water
white more than two liters per day. As much water as it needed to replace
of body fluids, eg urine, sweat, respiration
and secretion.
Once you determine how much water we consume mandatory
per day, let us imagine what would happen if you violate
rule or in simple language, you drink less than 2 liters
of water per day. The answer is, the body will balance itself.
The body will "suck" water from the body's own components. Starting
from component closest to, blood. Because the water in the blood aspirated
for purposes of the body, then the blood will be thick so that the journey
to the whole body becomes substandard.
In this process, the kidneys will suffer greatly. In conducting
duty remove toxins from the blood, he would experience difficulty should
thick filter blood. Quite often this will cause the blood
tearing at the renal glomerulus.

3.1  Definition of  Water
Water molecules are bio with micro uni (6 molecules of H2O), containing energy-with the most potent molecules, as a substitute for Ordinary Water Molecules uni MLP. Body (12 molecules of H2O)-with standard bond without Energy. Union is much smaller molecule, will facilitate easier movement of fluids in Diffusion, Cohesion, Filtration and Reverse Osmosis.

            The basic unit of all life activities inside. Cells, where in the adult human body there are 100 trillion Tues Cell with a bunch of groups who form and function. together to form networks and a group forming networks and various Organs Organs form organ systems, which selan he continued to form a complex human body, as already described above. Cells, live in Ocean Body fluids that move did not stay on, the whole body that is mixed with. Blood circulation.


            Ocean functioning body fluids, among others, provide food (Nutrition, Oxygen, Minerals, etc) & Metabolism to accept waste excreted eksresi system. Maintain body fluid volume of the oceans is essential for the necessary water consumption such as water bio cosminergy. The importance of these functions, among other things:
1.      The balance of acid/base
2.      Changes in fluid within & outside Tues
3.      the environmental setting in the body.
4.      Setting fungsi2 the Body Organs & Nets.
5.      What if the Abatement Blood loss Blood vessels rupture and / or broken.

Suppose that an adult's body weight 60kg. Healthy body, rata2 water containing 70% of body weight = 42kg, consisting of two thirds of the liquid inside the Cell (Intra Cellular) = 28kg. & Third part outside the Cell (Extra Cellular) = 14kg. Extra Cellular fluid comprises: a) Interstitial Fluid 65% = 9kg. b) intravascular fluid (plasma) = 35% = 5kg, there is fluid in blood vessels.
Cells, live in Extra Cellular fluid, particularly fluid and plasma Inter stisial merupkan place of extraction of Oxygen, Nutrition and Metabolism of the disposal site. This fluid is an environment that must be preserved Homestatis manner, in order to stay alive in a good Tues. Loss of body fluids Konstanitas 5% alone would interfere with the composition, which can be fatal to the smoothness of the Body Metabolism directly associated with. Body Health. Death can occur due to lack of extra cellular fluid to achieve 60% and / or Intra-cellular fluid loss reaches 30%. Liquid water are very active and effective Bio gamelan carkan body metabolism system, which can be described scientifically. For that water consumption can be used as bio cosminergy solution.

3.2 Water The Miracle Molecule
Water, which is a special liquid for life, covering two-thirds of the earth's surface. Body of every living creature on earth is formed from a very special liquid with a ratio between 50% - 95%. From bacteria that live in hot springs with temperatures approaching the boiling point, until some kind of moss that grows on glaciers, life exists in every place where there is water, regardless of temperature. Even at the drop of water hanging on the edge of a leaf after the rain, thousands of microbial life emerged, reproduce, and die.
But you know that in fact the water molecule, which is the basis of life on earth, it is very difficult to form. First, let us imagine the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, which is a component of water, put into a glass container. Then we let them be in the container is in a very long period of time. In that long may these gases are not formed of water even if they remain in these containers for hundreds of years. Even if the water formed, will not be more than a handful at the base of the container and that too will happen very slowly,got athousand years. .

3.3 Benefits of Pure Water

Many people who do not know the properties of water in addition to eliminating hunger alone. Water can cure various diseases with an easy and inexpensive. Here are 10 benefits of white water that we might make a reference when going out of drinking water.

1.Streamlining Digestive System
Consuming adequate amounts of water every day will expedite the digestive system, so we'll avoid digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also be run efficiently.

2. Helps Slow Cancer
White water helps slow the growth of cancer-causing substances, plus prevent kidney stones and heart disease. Drinking water will make the body more energy.

3. Beauty Care
If less drinking water, the body will absorb the water content in the skin so the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as well as moisturize and nourish the skin. To maintain the beauty too, the cleanliness of the body should really be considered, plus a glass of water 8-10 glasses a day.

4. To Fertility
Increasing testosterone production in men and estrogen in women. With so fertility and sexual excitement will increase. Also improves skin tissue, nails healthier and stronger, not easily cracked.

5. Healthy Heart and Healing Various Diseases
Water is also believed to participate cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, airways disease, bowel disease and femininity. Even today is pretty much the efficacy of alternative medicine that uses water.

6. For Stroke Drug
Hot water not only used to treat various skin diseases, but also effective for treating paralysis, such as stroke. Therefore, water can help strengthen back muscles and ligaments as well as expedite the circulatory system and respiratory system. Effect of heat causes dilation of blood vessels, improving blood circulation and oksigenisasi network, thereby preventing muscle stiffness, relieve pain and soothe the mind. The content of ions, especially chlorine, magnesium, hydrogen carbonate and sulfate in hot water, helping dilation of blood vessels thus increasing blood circulation. Also able to sterilize the skin pH of the water.

7. Relaxation Effects
Try standing in the shower and feel the effects in the body. Shower water that falls into the body feels like a massage and be able to eliminate fatigue because it feels like a massage. A number of alternative medical experts say, that come into contact with a fountain, a walk around the waterfalls or rivers and parks with lots of showers, will acquire the properties of negative ions. Negative ions which arise due to water droplets collide it can relieve pain, neutralize toxins, combat disease and help to absorb and utilize oxygen. Negative ions in the blood stream will accelerate the delivery of oxygen to the cells and tissues.

Not only that if you have muscle tension can dilegakan with warm water baths with temperatures around 37 degrees C. While our aching feet are often recommended to soak the feet with warm water mixed with a little salt. Well, if you have a shower at home try to take a shower and enjoy the results. It seems, shower at home also generate negative ions.

8. Attenuate Agency
White water are also eliminates impurities in the body that will be faster to get out through urine. For those who want to arrange any body, drink warm water before eating (and thus felt somewhat satisfied) is one way to reduce the amount of food intake. Moreover the water contains no calories, sugar or fat. However it is best to drink water at medium temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Want to skinny? Drinking water aja.

9. More Fit Body
Usefulness of water not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that our bodies need. We may be better able to survive food shortages a few days rather than less water. Therefore, water is the biggest part in the composition of the human body.

10. Body Balancing
Decreased the amount of water in the body, the organs function will also be decreased and more easily disturbed by bacteria, viruses. However, the human body has a mechanism in maintaining the balance of the incoming water intake and issued. Thirst was on everyone is a normal mechanism in maintaining the water intake in the body. Water bodies require approximately 2 to 2.5 l (8-10 cups) per day.

Well, water is also removed the body through urine and sweat. The amount of water removed the body through the urine of about one liter per day. If the number issued in the feces of healthy persons approximately 50-400 g / day, its water content of about 60-90% weight of feces or about 50-60 ml of water a day.

            Meanwhile, water is wasted through sweating and respiratory tract in a maximum of one liter per day, depending on the temperature of the surrounding air.
Not to mention the expenditure of factors of water through respiration. Someone who has a fever, the moisture content in breathing will increase. Conversely, the amount of water that is inhaled through the breath is reduced due to low humidity environs.

            The body will deteriorate if the water content decreases and we do not immediately meet the needs of these bodies of water. U.S. cardiologist, Dr. James M. Rippe advised to drink at least one liter of water more than what is needed our thirst.
Because, losing only 4% of fluid will decrease our performance as much as 22%. It is understandable when you lose 7%, we will begin to feel weak and lethargic.
Just so you know, the more activity then the more water that drained from the body. For that reason, health experts warn not to drink only when thirsty.
Many drinking habits, whether it is hungry or not, is a healthy habit.

            If you are in air-conditioned room, it is recommended to drink more because the air is cold and your body become dehydrated faster. Many drinks will also help the skin does not dry quickly. In the room where the temperature does not remain even advisable to get a drink but did not feel thirsty to balance the temperature.
3.4  Relalitionship Between Water, Chemical and Life
Whenever we want to find out whether we know life exists on Mars or other planets, surely the first time scientists are looking for the presence of water. Why, because life on earth depends on water.
There are so many forms of life (both plants and animals) in the water. All life on Earth is believed to arise from the water.
Most of the bodies of all living organisms consist of water. Approximately 70 or 90 percent organic ingredients consist of water. Chemical reactions that support life in all plants and animals takes place in a water medium. Water not only provides a place of allowing the media to be a reaction that sustain the life, but water itself is often an important reactant or product of the reactions. In short, the alchemy of life found in the water chemistry.
            On land, the greatest threat to life is dessication (extreme drought). Water is lost in various ways-by evaporation from respiratory surfaces, evaporation from the skin, the elimination of feces, and urine output.
Due to the polarity of water molecules and the tendency to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules, water is called the universal solvent. A water molecule (which is expressed in the chemical symbol H20), consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
Standing alone, the hydrogen atom contains one positive proton at its core, is a negative electron spinning around in a three-dimensional framework. Medium oxygen has eight protons in the core with eight electrons spinning around it. In chemical notation, oxygen is often shown as the letter O surrounded by eight points representing the four pairs of electrons.
            One electron of hydrogen and oxygen is a key eight-electron chemistry of life, because the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen combine to form a water molecule, or split to form ions.
Hydrogen tends to ionize by losing its single electron to form H + ions which are only of simple isolated protons since the hydrogen atom has no neutrons.
A hydrogen bond occurs when the electron of a hydrogen atom is used together with another electronegative atom (eg oxygen loses an electron).
            Polarity of Water Molecules
In a water molecule, two hydrogen atoms covalently bound to one oxygen atom. But because the oxygen atoms larger than hydrogen atoms, then pull on the electrons of hydrogen is much greater. That way the electrons are interested in approaching the framework of the larger oxygen atom and away from the framework of hydrogen. This means that although the water molecule as a whole is stable, but the core mass of the larger oxygen tends to attract all the electrons in the molecules (including hydrogen electrons are used together) while giving little to the electronegative charge disebuah oxygenated molecules.
            Because electrons in hydrogen atoms with oxygen atoms closer to the electropositive hydrogen atom carries a charge in small quantities. This means water molecules have a tendency to form weak bonds with other water molecules because the oxygen end of the molecule is negative and the hydrogen end is positive.
A hydrogen atom is covalently bound with oxygen in the molecule itself is capable of forming bonds with oxygen in the valleys of other molecules. The same thing applies to the tip of an oxygen molecule that is capable of forming a weak bond with the hydrogen ends of other molecules. Because water molecules have this polarity, water is a continuous chemical entity.
Weak ties are played a role.

Very important to the body of water creatures living, not just human animals and plants would even need it. Thus importance of the role of water for life. Let alone for loss of water shortage in the human body of water just been going fatal to life.
Living creatures know what are the symptoms of lack of fluids in the body, which can be used as a signal that you are affected by dehydration:

   1. Lack of water causes the body 1 percent from thirst and mood disorders

   2. Lack of water bodies 2-3 per cent increase body temperature, thirst, and stamina 

   3. Lack of water can reduce the body's 4 percent 25 percent physical ability

   4. Lack of water up to 7 percent can cause fainting

therefore, we should always be thankful for the blessings that are not measurable. grateful because our body water is still discharging its function and role. we are in the form of ingratitude towards this by continuing to maintain our lifestyles, maintain water balance in our bodies, and always trying to run a healthy lifestyle by consuming as much as eight glasses of water.

[1] S1 student nursing course Muhammadiyah Palembang

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