Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

ugly gizi or malnutrisi


Ugly Gizi represent very problem of signifikan in all the world, especially the nations which is expanding. Bad nutrient is represent condition of where somebody expressed by insuffiency of nutrient of under standard. This problem is often became of the baby and children, because lack of knowledge and information of parents specially the mother very important to gift and accomplishment for health the baby.
There is three factor of cause of child suffer Ugly Gizi specially a baby, for example factor of impecunious family, ignorance of parent for gift of nutrient which is both for child, and disease of wafting of  child as like heart, TBC, HIV/AIDS, bronchi and diarrhoea ( Prof. Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro, 2008).
In Indonesia, Ugly Gizi problem of balita still become serious problem, about 18,4 gratuity baby which insuffiency nutrient, consisted of nutrient less 13,0 gratuity, and Ugly Gizi 5,4 gratuity (Depkes RI, 2007). Sign of Ugly Gizi is depended from type of nutrient experiencing of deficiencies. But, generally patient thin seen, bay window, lackluster and not spirit.
In school age, children suffering Ugly Gizi cannot think critical and smart because his brain cell barren of maximally. Progressively the condition of Ugly Gizi weight suffered ( more and more nutrient which less) will enlarge risk of the happening of good body health problem of physical and also bounce (Bekti-Medicastore.Com).
If the empty brain a lot of suffered by child, broken potency school also become high. At adult age, they unproductive so that finally will only become burden for his family and the economics. Further, will born foolish nation generation.
"In order to the child earn to grow and expand in an optimal fashion, accomplishment of their gizi require to be paid attention to, started with gift of ASI from the day borned till the six-month age. Afterwards his food have to fulfill carbohydrate element, protein, fat, and also vegetable and fruit," dr. Rachmat said.
Others, balita also obliged to get to immunize and his grow  watched periodically by using KMS ( Card Go to Health). " Child Growth referred normal if body length and body weight grow parallel with permanent curve and graph tend to go up.
For handling of ugly gizi, nutritionist or doctor generally will propose for the pattern arrangement eat, inclusive of type and sum up food. If needed can also given suplemen or vitamin to assist to fulfill vitamin requirement which less be the. If cause ugly gizi because certain medical condition or disease, suggested therapy other to handle it.


Ugly gizi or malnutrisi can be interpreted as accoplishment gizi is not good. This matter can be resulted from the lack of accoplishment food, election type of imprecise food and because other as like of disease of infection causing less permeate of nutrisi from food.
Ugly gizi different from starvation. One who famish generally because not get enough food and hunger suffered on a long term can head for ugly gizi. Even though, one who is a lot of eating unconsciously also can suffer ugly gizi if them not eat food containing nutrient, vitamin and mineral answered the demandly. so ugly gizi in fact can just be experienced of by whom, without recognizing social structure and the economic factor.
One who suffer ugly gizi will insuffiency of nutrient required by body to grow or to keep in good health. people can incured of ugly gizi on a long term short and or with light condition and or heavily. Ugly Gizi can influence health of physical and bounce. One who suffer ugly gizi will easy to to be incured a disease or even pass away. Children suffering ugly gizi also will be annoyed to growth, generally they barren of to rights with weighing of subnormal body.

1.      LESS GIZI
            This disease at most groaning a baby, especially in nations expand. Symptom less ill defined light gizi relative, only seen that the child body weight lower compared to age child. Heavy mean of his body only about 60-80% from ideal weight. As for ordinary marking clinis join for example:
*    Heavy increase of body decrease, desisted, or downhill even
*    Radian size measure of arm for downhill
*    Maturasi bone lost time
*    Heavy ratio to high, normal or tend to downhill
*    fold normal husk or on the wane.

2.      MARASMUS
            Patient marasmus in the recognized easy physical. Even still the children, his face seen old, very thin because loss of some his muscle and fat. Heavy patient marasmus will show change bounce, even disappear awareness. In lighter stadium, child generally become more sissy and easy weep because always feel hungry. There is even also the other marking are:
*      Body weight less than 60% normal child weight is the age
*      Husk seen to run dry, cool and loosen.
*      Among others own hair easy to moult
*      Uppermost Stand-Out bone
*      Often suffer or konstipasi diarrhoea
*      Blood pressure tend to lower compared to normal child, with haemoglobin rate which also lower the than must.

            Kwashiorkor often also term as hungry busung or HO. Patient HO appearance generally very typical, especially part of uppermost stomach. His body weight far below/under normal weight. Light and also heavy stadium oedema generally join this patient. Some other dissimilar characteristic joining among other things:
*      Change bounce striking. A lot of weeping, even stadium continue child seen very passive.
*      Patient look weakness and wish always lying
*      Anaemia
*      Diarrhoea by feses melt which is a lot of acidulous laktat because decreasing it produce other important laktase and enzyme
*      Disparity of husk typically, started with red dot look like petechia ( small blood arising out as rose colored purple, at skin and the mucous membrane, Red.), After flaking, seen squeezing with black boundary. This disparity generally met in husk about back, bottom, etcetera.
*      Liver magnification. Even moment lie down, this magnification can be groped from outside the body, felt slippery and elastic.

            This disease represent merger from marasmus and kwashirkor with merger of symptom joining.
*      Weight of Body of patient only gyrate in number 60% from normal weight. Typical symptom of second of the disease look clear, like oedema, hair disparity, disparity of husk etcetera.
*      Body contain the more amount dilution, because decreasing  fat and muscle.
*      Potassium in drastic downhill body so that cause trouble of metabolik like trouble at kidney and pancreas.
*      Other mineral in body even also experience of trouble, like the increasing of rate of natrium and phosphorus of downhill inorganik and also the magnesium rate.

5.      FAIL TO GROW
            Besides malnutrisi energy-protein above, there is also trouble of growth which the term failedly grow. What such failedly grow baby/child with growth of physical less had a meaning  compared to  a child coeval. For the sake of convenience, growth of the child under curve of normal growth. Other marking is:
*      Failure reach high and weight of ideal body.
*      Loss of fat under husk by significan.
*      Decreasing of it muscle mass.
*      Dermatitis.
*      Recuring Infection.

     One would suffer ugly gizi otherwise able to to get benefit from food which they consume, for example  the diarrhoea patient, excessive nutrient, or because pattern eat uneven so that not get enough calorie and protein for the body growth.
Some people can suffer ugly gizi because experiencing of certain condition or disease causing body incapable of digesting and or permeate food perfectly. For example, disease seliak patient experiencing of trouble with digestion channel triggered by of a kind the protein which is a lot of there are flour that is gluten. This disease seliak influence body ability to permeate nutrient so that happened deficiencies.
And then there is also disease cystic fibrocis influencing pancreas, the function is to produce enzyme required to digest food. And so do hard patient intoleransi laktosa to digest product and milk. Following is some factor which can cause the happening of ugly gizi:
*      Pattern eat obstetrical uneven of nutrient
*      There are problem at digestive system
*      certain medical condition existence
Like have been mentioned previously, ugly gizi can be happened if body not get enough the nutrisi and food. Deficiencies starvation case 1 vitamin type even also earn in categorize as ugly gizi. At some ugly gizi case can show very light symptom or even without symptom. But at heavy other, can result body organ damage which remain to although have been saved.
Ugly gizi can influence good body health of physical and bounce. Progressively the ugly condition gizi weight suffered (more and more nutrisi which less) will enlarge risk of the happening of health problem in physical.
At heavy ugly gizi can be happened case of like marasmus (weak of muscle) effect of energi and protein deficiencies, kretinisme damage and brain of effect of iodine deficiencies, risk and blindness incured by a infection disease mounting effect of deficienci vitamin A, difficult concentration effect from deficiencies to ferrum.
Symptom and sign from ugly gizi depended from type nutrisi experiencing of deficiencies. Even though, common symptom from ugly gizi is :
*      Insuffiency energi and fatigue
*      Confused
*      Low body impenetrability system (resulting difficulty body for attack infection)
*      Scaly and dry husk
*      Bloated gum and bleed
*      Tooth decaying
*      Concentration difficult to and have tardy reaction
*      Weight of body less
*      Tardy growth
*      Feebleness of muscle
*      Flatulent stomach
*      Breakable bone
*      There are problem at function of body organ
When a pregnant woman experience of ugly gizi, hence the possibility of his child will born weighing of low body and risk for not to safe. Childrens experiencing of ugly gizi also often find difficulties to follow Iesson at school.

Consider so important to take care of condition gizi of the baby for his intellegence and growth, hence have ought to all parent pay attention to things which can prevent the happening of child condition. Following is some ways to prevent the happening of ugly gizi at child:
1)        Giving exclusive ASI (only ASI) until the child old age 6 month. Afterwards, child start picked acquaintance with side dish as help ASI matching with the age level, last weaned after old age 2 year.
2)        Child given a food which vary, well-balanced between protein content, fat, mineral and vitamin. Comparison for the minimum fat 10% from totalizeing the calorie required, whereas protein 12% and the rest carbohydrate.
3)         Diligent consider and measure high child followedly posyandu program. look child growth as according to above standard. Otherwise according to, immediately consulted that matter to doctor.
4)         If child taken care of ill at home because ugly gizi, can be asked to food type and pattern worker which must be given after coming home ill from home.
5)        If child have suffered from insuffiency gizi, hence immediately give high calorie in the form of carbohydrate, fat, and sugar. While for his protein can be given after other calorie source have been seen able to improve energi child. Give also other important suplemen vitamin and mineral. Handling early frequently produce fruit good result. At condition of weight, therapy can be improvedly health condition in general. But, generally will leave the rest of permanent physical disparity symptom and will emerge problem intelegensia later on day.

For diagnosa the happening of ugly gizi, doctor generally will do inspection:
*      Checking high and weight of body of patient to determine BMI (Body Mass Index)
*      Doing inspection of blood to see abnormal
*      Doing inspection of X-Ray to check what there disparity at bone and organ of other
*      Checking condition or disease of other which can cause the happening of ugly gizi
For handling of ugly gizi, nutritionist or doctor generally will propose for the pattern arrangement eat, inclusive of type and sum up food. If needed can also given suplemen or vitamin to assist to fulfill vitamin requirement which less be the. If cause ugly gizi because certain medical condition or disease, suggested therapy other to handle it.


Ugly gizi or malnutrisi can be interpreted as accoplishment gizi is not good.
Ugly Gizi different from starvation. One who famish generally because not get enough food and hunger suffered on a long term can head for ugly gizi.
disease of the ugly gizi:
*      Less gizi
*      Marasmus
*      Kwashiorkor
*      Marasmik-kwashiorkor
*      Fail to grow
When a pregnant woman experience of ugly gizi, hence the possibility of his child will born weighing of low body and risk for not to safe. Childrens experiencing of ugly gizi also often find difficulties to follow Iesson at school.
For handling of ugly gizi, nutritionist or doctor generally will propose for the pattern arrangement eat, inclusive of type and sum up food. If needed can also given suplemen or vitamin to assist to fulfill vitamin requirement which less be the. If cause ugly gizi because certain medical condition or disease, suggested therapy other to handle it.


Praise our thanks climb the presence of Allah SWT, what have given blessing to writer, because him  writer can finish handing out with title " Ugly Gizi".
In compilation of this handing out  writer very realize that still a lot of there are insuffiency, because of science limitation, experience and also wrong which the writer own. Therefore, candidly writer expect educative suggestion and criticism and develop build from all party for the shake of perfection compilation of this handing out.
Compilation of this handing out will not be executed unassisted better, tuition and also suggestion from various party. To that's this opportunity  writer render thanks to all party followed to participate in compilation of this handing out.
Hopefully Allah SWT reciprocate and always overflow blessing for aid which have been passed to writer in compiling this handing out. Hopefully this handing out can be of benefit to treatment science and education science development and also for us all.

Palembang, June 2010

PREFACE.................................................................................................................... i
CONTENTS................................................................................................................ ii

CHAPTER I    ANTECEDENT...................................................................................... 1
A.   BACKGROUND................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II  SOLUTION........................................................................................... 3
A.      DEFENITION................................................................................... 3
B.      DISEASE OF UGLY GIZI................................................................... 3
C.      CAUSE OF UGLY GIZI...................................................................... 6
D.     SIGN AND SYMPTOM OF UGLY GIZI.............................................. 7
E.      PREVENTION OF UGLY GIZI........................................................... 8
F.       HANDLING OF UGLY GIZI............................................................... 9
CHAPTER III  CLOSING............................................................................................ 10
                     CONCLUSION.................................................................................... 10

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