Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

bird flu

1.   Antecedent
Bird flu disease or poultry flu ( Bird Flu, Avian influenza) is a contagion which caused by influenza virus type A and contagious by poultry. Bird flu disease which caused by virus avian infuenza type H5N1 by poultry in confirming happened in Republik Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Kamboja, Taiwan, Laos, China, Indonesia and Pakistan. Source of virus is anticipated to comes from migration of bird and transportation of poultry infection.
Virus H5N1 is subtipe from influenza virus type A with the protein component characteristic showing type H5 ( hemagglutinin type 5) and N1 ( neuroamidase type 1). Both this subtipe there is at some poultry types and mammalia ( including human) (Tamher and noorkasiani, 2008:6).
Virus H5N1 propagated by wild fowl, because that is named avian influenza or bird flu. The virus disseminates at approximant poultry is whole world, very catching to poultry humanity and kills, especially poultry type like chicken.
This virus doesn't infect human especially. But on 1997, first case direct infection of influenza virus  A ( H5N1) from bird to human has been proved when happened attack of bird flu disease between poultry in Hong Kong, the virus has caused hard exhalation pain at 18 people, 6 between them to die. After the date, there is infection case of H5N1 at human. But so far virus H5N1 cannot be contagious from human to human.
In Indonesia on January 2004 reported existence of death case of livestock chicken remarkable ( especially in Bali, East Java, Central Java, West Kalimantan and West Java). Initially the death because of by virus new castle, but last confirmation by Agriculture Department because of virus flu bird ( Avian influenza ( AI). On July 2005, bird flu disease has snatched three soul member of Tangerang Banten, this thing based on result of inspection of laboratory Badan Penelitian and Pengembangan Depkes Jakarta and reference laboratory WHO in Hongkong. Up to the date of 17 Octobers 2007, Indonesia has reported 109 cases of bird flu H5N1 at human. 88 between it to kill. 3 cases killed reported happened in Bali since August 2007.
Look at this reality properly the public takes heed existence of bird flu disease, but not necessarily arising panicity. Public require to know and comprehends what is the bird flu, whosoever which able to be infection bird flu, how to the spreading, how to be preventive and therapy of the bird flu. Knows that thing that the public can avoid the bird flu disease.

2.   Way of spreading bird flu
Following elaborated way of spreading of bird flu from some sources :
Bird flu contagious from poultry to poultry, and from poultry to human. This disease can contagious passed impure air of virus H5N1 is coming from dirt or secrete of bird/poultry suffer bird flu. Infection from poultry to human also can happen if human had breathed in air containing bird flu virus or direct contact with poultry infection by bird flu.
Birds infection propagates the virus in saliva, dilution of exhalation channel, and the dirt. Bird flu virus disseminates between susceptible birds when they are hit by dirt which has been contamination. Believed that most of infection case H5N1 at human because of contact with poultry which has been infection or area which has been contamination.

3.   Way of prevention and theraphy bird flu
Because of many crisscross newses about bird flu, public often is  confuses hence. Following the prevention steps of bird flu ( Avian Influenza), borrowed ideas from Law Bureau and Public Relation of Agriculture Department :
  1. Unnecessary to panic and worries is abundant because bird flu caused by virus which is easy died because temperature, sunshine, and desinfectant.
  2. Labours hygiene of cage and sprays desinfectant material (anti pest).
  3. Wash your hand with soap after direct contact with poultry or poultry product.
  4. Protection of children and old age from direct contact with poultry, especially which seen pain.
  5. Protects food by cooking flesh and poultry egg before eat it.
  6. Soon reports to government officer if finding ill poultry or compromising death.
Prevention of bird flu also can be overcome by doing prevention at poultry and at human
a.         At Poultry :
  • Destruction of poultry/bird infection by bird flu
  •  Vaccination at healthy poultry
b.         At Human :
  • Group of high effect ( breeding worker and merchant)
·         washing hand with desinfectant and bath after works.
·         Avoids direct contact with chicken or poultry infection by bird flu.
·         Applies self protective device. ( example : masker and fatigue clothes).
·         Leaves fatigue clothes in workplace.
·         Cleans poultry dirt every day.
·         Immunization.
  • Common public
·         Takes care of body endurance by eating nourishment & enough rest.
·         Process poultry by the way of correct, such as :
o       Chooses healthy poultry ( there are no disease symptoms at the body).
    • Cooks chicken flesh up to temperature ± 80oC during 1 minute and at egg up to temperature ± 64oC during 4,5 minutes.
Preventive effort also can be done by the way of avoiding material contamination by dirt (feces) and secrete poultry, with a few action like : ( Tamher and Noorkasiani, 2008:41)
a.       Every body is relating to material coming from poultry gastro intestinal tract must apply protector ( like masker and swim eyeglasses).
b.      Material coming from poultry gastro intestinal tract like dirt (feces) must planted or burned ins order not to invite source of infection for people in vinicity.
c.       Equipments applied in breeding must be cleaned with desinfectant.
d.      Cage and dirt (feces) may not be released from location of breeding.
e.       Executes area hygiene.
f.       Do hygiene of self.

Therapy can be done with consuming drug Tamiflu is containing oseltamivir which is a way of antiviral therapy, proven can depress ability of virus to disseminate from cell infection to healthy cell. So far, tamiflu only be passed to human who is experiencing symptom infection of bird flu. Tamiflu has not been suggested as disease inhibitor before infection and there is no research showing that tamiflu gives impenetrability to virus H5N1.
            The existing vaccine has not protected our self from disease which caused by H5N1, but can protect against seasonal influenza type A and B. Intention of vaccination is to lessen opportunity the happening of at the same infection between human influenzas and bird flu. At the same multiple infection will give opportunity at human virus and virus from bird flu for gene exchange or mutation, which possibility will yield which new influenza type would easy to disseminate as human influenza but will kill as bird flu.

4.   Closing
            As conclusion, purpose of student is not simply to learn only, but also assists public about understanding from various sciences that is insufficient known by them, like problem this bird flu which not many known by public how to spreading and the prevention and theraphy it. For student self as motivation to know more comprehendingly and many get science broader again. Therefore, helping about understanding how to spreading and prevention the bird flu very benefit to student and public around  breeding of poultry especially that they can be protected from epidemic bird flu.

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Depkes RI.  (online), http://www.litbang.depkes.go.id/maskes/072005/flu_burung.pdf, accessed  21 June 2010).
Jones, Katharine. 11 May 2009. informasi flu burung, (online), http://www.dyatmika.org/id/fluburung.htm, accessed 21 June 2010).
Kita perlu tahu. 27 October 2007. 6 langkah pencegahan flu burung, (online), http://balivetman.wordpress.com/2007/10/27/6-langkah-pencegahan-flu-burung/, accessed 27 June 2010).
Tamher & Noorkasiani. 2008. Flu Burung: Aspek Klinis dan Epidemiologis. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.


            Praises thanks to Allah SWT to the grant from and blessing so that writer can finalize this research punctual. This research studies about " Bird Flu Disease" what covers about the meaning of bird flu, whosoever which able to be infection bird flu, way of spreading bird flu, way of preventive and therapy of the bird flu.

            The writer realizes that this research still so far from perfection and hopefully the reader gets the picture contents of the wriring. Hopefully this duty is of benefit to us.

            The writer asks suggestion and criticism from reader to research which I am create. And I say thank you to sides which has assisted to making this research.

                                                                                    Palembang,    July 2010

                                                                                    The writer

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