Kamis, 05 Januari 2012


All praise and gratitude writer appreciates to the presence of allah for all bestow given and guidance, so this paper assigment could be fimished. This paper assigmnment arranged as the examination. We also praise to the prophet Muhammad SAW, with all of his family and messengers that guide us from the dark way to the bright place.
The writer hopes this paper assignment could give advantages and knowledge, especially for the nurses and generally for all readers.The writer knows if this paper is not perfect,so the critics and suggestions needed in order it can be better in the next time.
Writer would like to say thanks a lot to all persons who helped and gave motivations until this research could be finished. Hoped all of the kindness written as the good act in front Allah SWT. Amien.


Palembang,    july 2010

Gita Arestya Ningrum


Guava is the scientifitic name ( psidium guajava ) has been used as herbal medicine in addition to directly consumed with a delicious flavor. Guava plants are grown in many Asian countries. With a round shape fruit, green and yellow color when the fruit is ripe,red or white flesh, many sedd are tiny and hard with the soft selimuti  by substances such as porridge that taste sweet.
                Guava is also known as kluthuk increasingly popular as a drug that helps cure dengue fever. Although it benefit has not been proven medically,that no loss to guava juice to the patients fever for exotic fruit contains vitamin C which is very high. Even vitamin C content in guava can be three to six time higher than that of an orange. 10 times higher compared with papaya and 10 to 30 times compared with a banana.
                Vitamin C is mainly found in meats, fresh fruit. The seed are often not consumed any meat containing  vitamin C as the fruit. Quoted from depkes.go.id, mentioned in the book food the heal, foods that harm, 90 grams of guava is more than sufficient to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in adults.
Thanks to high dose vitamin C content of this immunity against the bacteria will increase. Wound healing process was so much faster. In addition blood pressure is also better thanks to the fruit wash mainly due to guava is a good source of potassium.
Fruit, leaves and bark of guava tree contains tannin, the flowers are not many contain substances other than tannins, such as essential oils, frolic acid, acid psidiolst, kratagolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids and vitamins.
                The content of guava fruit per 100 grams consist of 49 cal calories, vitamin A 25 SI, 0,02 mg vitamin B1, vitamin C 87 mg, 14 mg calcium, 12,2 gram carbohydrate, 28 mg phosphours, 1,1 mg iron, 0,9 mg protein, 0,3 grams fat and 86 grams of water.
                Eat guava can improve the health of heart. Guava is extremely rich in fiber ( 9 grams/ cups), which work to  control blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. Research by Singh Medical Hosptal and Research Center Morrabad, India showed guava can also reduce total cholesterol and blood triglycerides and blood pressure of patients with hypertension essential.
                The content of carotenoids and lycopene in guava is useful as a tool for cancer prevention powerfull. Studies of Harvard University, suggested from a study of 48000 men. Respondents most widely add lycopene intake in the diet risk they will experience cancer as much as 45% of prostate.
                Guava also contains tannis, whish cause taste system, blood circulation, and is useful for attacking viruses. Guava leaves and roots can also be used as a traditional medicine.

                The  fruit is very rich in vitamin C and some types of minerals that can fend off various types of diseases and maintain physical fitness. Vitamin C here have the function to maintain and promote capillary health, prevent anemia,cancer sores, bleeding gums, ect. Vitamin C also plays a role here in the formation of collagen which is very useful to heal wounds. Most vitamin C is concentrated in parts of guava skin and outer flesh is soft thick. So that, guava consumed along with better skin.
                With either directly consume the ripe or half ripe or already in by the jam and jelly. This is recommended because a lot of nutritional content. Gava is a lot of growing in india. Nutrition content contained in guava is as folloes :
·         Vitamin C ( which is contained in the skin have a five times  the Vitamin C than oranges )
·         Vitamins A and B
·         Calciums
·         Nicotinic acid
·         Phosphorus phosphor
·         Potassium
·         Iron
·         Folic acid
·         Fiber

With nutritional content contained there in, the benefits to heallth guava, among other :
Diarrhoea and dysentry
Guava is very rich binding subtance ( compound subtances contained in guava with subtances  in our mouth when chewed guava leaves or guava raw then we will refreshed ). The subtance that helps bind the intenstine in patient with diarrhea.  Guava contains natural alkaline subtances, disinfecctans and anti bacterial which helps in the healing of dysentery caused by microbial growth and reduce the

production of excess mucus from the intestines. Then with the other content in guava, such as vitamin C and carotenoids potassium will help streng then the digestive system to cope with the bacteria.

                One of the useful subtances contained in guava is a dietary fiber, fiber is useful in preventing various degenerative diseases, such as colon cancer,because it is soluble in water so that it can help the body’s  production of residu o expenditure is not useful again through the process of defecation. According to research that is not smooth  process of sewage generated from digestion is excellent for overall  body health.

Coughs and Colds
                With guava juice young people or herbal decoction of guava leaves is very useful to over come cough and cold, reducing lenders, loosening the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.  Guava fruit Is said that very special because it has a high nutritional content, such as vitamin C, Potassium and iron. High doses of vitamin C contained in guava can boost the immune system to fight various infection. Thus we do not easily become sick, like flu, coughs, fever, and others.

Skin Care
                Guava can be useful for improving skin texture is better than using cream or skin toner chemicals that we commonly use everyday. Content of subtances contained in fruit seeds in mainly with a half; baked consumed fruit and leaves or by washing the skin with the decoction of the outer skin guava trees, fruits and young leaves can help to tighten muscles that have been lax skin. In addition to these subtances guavas are also very rich in vitamins A, B and C and potassium which is very good as antioxidants  so your skin will stay fresh and free from  blemishes, wrinkles and other skin disease dangerous.

High Blood Pressure
                Guava can help to reduce cholesterol in their blood. Research has shown that the potassium is useful increase the regularity of heart beat, muscle contraction activate, manage delivery of other nutrients  to the body’s cells, control the fluid balance in the body tissue, as well as lowering hihg blood pressure ( hypertension )

                Guava is very useful for those who want to lose weight because of the content contained therein in the form of karbhohidrat guava during the day, then we will not feel hungry until night even for the thin ideal body weight will keep it happened because of the wealth of nutrition contained in it will help keep your metabolism and helps absorption of nutrients.
Guava fruit renowned multy benefits. For treatment canker sores: cut handful leaves  and one finger guava tree bark as necessary, rinse throughly, then boiled in water until boiling. Once chilled, filteret, and then drunk.
For the wound is bleeding : could with first wash guava leaves freshly picked and then milled. Furthermore adhare on dressing wounds and wearing bandages. Replace the bandage and potion three times a day until healed.
Young twigs can be used to cure leucorrhoea. Its roots can cure dysentry, namely how to boil with 15-30 grams of fresh guava leaves and drink the decoction water. The water decoction also can be used to wash wound.
To take advantage of guava to help treat the disease based on the literature, among other :
Diabetes Mellitus : take a half ripe guava fruit. Guava fruit is split into four pieces and boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then screen to take water. How to use : drunk two times a day, morning and afternoon.
Ulcer : take a eight pieces guava leaves are still fresh. Boiled with 1,5 liters of water until boiling, then filtered to take water. Drunk three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening.

Diarrea : 5 pieces of guava leaves, a piece of root, bark and trunk. 1,5 liters of water boiled with until boiled then filtered to take water. Drunk two times a day, morning and aftenoon.
Abdominal pain or dhiarrea in infants who are breast-feeding : enough young guava and salt. how use : chewed by mothers who breastfeed infants, the water is ingested and waste is disposed.
Common cold : take 10 pieces of guava leaves are still young, one grain of red chili. Tamarind third eye, a piece of palm sugar, salt to taste. All material is boiled  with one liter of water until boiling then filtered to take water. Drunk two times a day.
Beser ( frequent urination ) excessive  : as many as one handled  guava leaves are still young, three spoons of rice powder fried without oil. Both material are boiled together with water to boiling 2,5 glass to live a glss and then filtered. Then drink every 3 hours 3 table spoons.
Prolapsinasi : grap a handful of guava leaves, a piece of guava tree bark. Boil together with two glasses of water until boiled. Then filtered to take water.  How use : water mixture is still warm in a state of the mucous membranes are used to compress the gut axis ( naval ) in infants.
Spure : ingredients : 1 handheld guava leaves, a piece of guava tree bark,. Way of making : braised together with 2 cups water to boiling, then filtered to take water. Drunk teo times a day.
Skin disease : one handheld guava leaves are still young, seven guava flowers pounded together until smooth, rub the skin of the sick.
New  bandage : 3 guava leaf sprout, chewed until soft. Glue on the injured body part to avoid continuous blood cement.

                Red guava fruit can be used in improving the thrombocyte in the blood for dengue patients. A study of the Faculty of Public Health UNAIR Quasy mention that the method with the model Pre Post Experimental Design Study of dengue fever in which patients with certain criteria before and after giving a red rose on the value of platelet count, with respondents consisting of 17 people and the result data were analyzed by t test .
The results showed that 100% of the value of dengue fever patients platelet count before taking a red rose is below normal, then after taking a red rose as much as 64%, platelet count increased to normal values.It's more in-depth research must be conducted according to these researchers, in order guavas can be utilized effectively for the purposes of treatment so that mortality due to dengue fever can be removed in addition to the socialization of the correct information to the public about the benefits of these red guava.So the red guava according to this research is an appropriate solution.

Anti-Dengue Fever, Not Fruit, But Leaves
Guava juice red.Fruit Myrtaceae family members it was popular as a booster thrombocyte.Thrombocyte dengue fever patients typically fell, only 40.000/ul; threshold, 10.000/ul-450.000/ul.Dengue virus infects white blood cells and lymph nodes. Consequently Platelet fever sufferers to drop dramatically.
Is it true guava fruit can be control  thrombocyte values? Dr.Soegeng Research SpA (K), DTM & H and Harjono Achmad, both from Airlangga University medical school-break that myth.Nutritious as it was in fact anti-dengue guava leaves. They test the double-blind randomized controlled clinical at the child RSU.Dr.Soetomo, Surabaya. Research took place a year since October 2004. Twenty-two patients were given a teaspoon of extract of guava leaves. Frequency three times a day for 3-4 consecutive days.The results of thrombocyte numbers jumped to 100.000/ul. "This is good because khabar guava leaves is very easy to obtain" says Soegeng, professor of child health.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) due to the Aedes aegypti mosquito bites the most feared disease because it leads to death. Of the 4224 cases recorded in East Java Health Office in 2000, a total of 42 people or 0.99% of them died. The number is actually down compared to previous year. A disease first detected in the ground water in 1968 it reached the percentage of case fatality rate of 1.02% of 3000 cases.
Symptoms of the disease at most 5-9 year age group attacked was a sudden high fever for 2-7 days, liver enlargement and a decrease in pulse rate. But the most feared symptom is the occurrence of hemorrhage and plasma leakage caused by thrombocyte destruction in the blood increases. Patients experiencing shock.
According DR.Drs.Suprapto Ma'at, AptMS, from the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, Airlangga University, shock due to the decline in platelet count needs to be handled quickly."Because that's where the main key to avoiding death", says Doctor of Medical Sciences of the University of Airlangga it.
Moreover, the treatment that has been supportive of this new character, based disorders such as plasma leakage. Isotonic salt solution or Ringer's acetate only replace the lost plasma volume. Though to treat the main cause trombostapenia - Platelet function disorders - is still outstanding."For this community to try drinking fruit juice rose rock", said Suprapto.

Quercentin Bioactive compounds Quercentin
Why do guava leaves overcome powerful BDB? True guava leaves has long been famous as a traditional medicine.In addition to overcoming diarrhea taninnya efficacious, other studies show different properties, and antimicrobia. No less than 40 chemical compounds found there. Call it an aldehyde group, guanine and quercentin. The latter compound adder principal platelet count."Concentration Quercentin in guava fruit smaller than that of the leaf. The content of a leaf could be the same as in kilo of fruit," said Suprapto.
From clinical trials conducted Suprapto and friends, quercentin of flavonoid was effective in rapidly raise platelet count through the mechanism of increasing the number of cytokines.Role of cytokines in the body to increase elasticity of blood vessels and activate the blood clotting system.
The rate is seen from achieving speeds Uju platelet count per hour by Soegeng. Nonsyok patient groups and shock that was given 500 mg of guava leaf extract, the average platelet count reached over 100.000/ul in time 16.36 hrs. Without the extract, on average 33.82 hours.In fact, when the critical incidence of bleeding ranges from 24-48 hours after virus infection.

Guava Leaf Extract Can Overcome Dengue Fever
BPOM press conference along with the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University.Referring to the results of research cooperation and BPOM Airlangga University School of Medicine, guava leaf extract could inhibit the growth of dengue virus. Material was also increased thrombocyte without side effects.Society must pay attention to this important information. Based on the results of cooperation in pre clinical testing of Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) that was launched in Jakarta, Wednesday (10 / 3) afternoon, guava leaf extract could inhibit the growth of confirmed dengue virus causes Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Material was also able to increase the platelet count up to 100 thousand per cubic millimeter, without side effects. This increase is expected to be achieved within eight to 48 hours after the extract of guava leaves are consumed.
BPOM head Sampurno According to doctors, until now the drug of dengue fever was not found. No wonder if the pattern had only a supporting treatment alone. Sampurno added, after further tests conducted research team led by Professor Doctor Sugiarto Sugeng, it is expected guava leaf extract can be used as a supplement dengue antiviral drugs that are marketed to the public. Of them in capsule form for adults and syrup for children.
Based on information from various sources, was in Bangkok, Thailand, the World Health Organization (WHO) has successfully created a divalent and trivalent dengue vaccine, create an alias handle outbreaks of dengue fever Dengue hemorrhagic fever. But until now, the vaccine has not been marketed in Indonesia. Emerging alternative is increase drinking water to restore homeostasis (the tendency tubiuh settled in the normal state in the organism) of body fluids. Another solution is to patients given a seed bamboo juice contains vitamin C and vitamin A are high. Vitamin C function in improving the intelligence of the cells, while vitamin A functions to maintain cell regeneration in order to always be on time.
 The presence of two extra vitamins in the extract of guava was very important. Referring to the example test cases, DHF patients who received a dose of guava extract capsules 3x2 every day for five days, getting supply of new thrombocyte greater than 100 thousand per ml on the last day. That's because the amino acids in guava capable of forming trombopoitin of serine and threonin, which functions in the maturation process megakariosit a thrombocyte.
 Provision of guava juice as one way to increase thrombocyte may was practically a tradition in our society when attacked by DBD. The reason for this treatment is still supportive, namely to overcome loss of liquid plasma effect. Increased permeability of capillary blood vessels.  "There is no vaccine or treatment  anything to avoid people not infected with dengue".

List the benefits of guava growing. Researchers from United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that guava is a fruit with the richest antioxidant content of fruit family. Imagine, the content of vitamin C in one cup of guava five times more times more than oranges. Which is 377 mg. Vitamin C is a basic ingreadients of collagen which is very good to deal wrinkles on the faces of the women.
            Red guava fruit can be used in improving the thrombocyte in yhe blood for dengue patients. In addition, guava fruit can be used for the treatment of diabetes, high blood colesterol levels, and treat constipation,ect. Suggested pick guava fruit that is red.

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