Chapter I
1.1 Preliminary
Heartburn is a familiar name from one of our digestive system disorders.? In the health world, the term used is peptic ulcer (peptic ulcer), which can attack the stomach or duodenum. Stomach and duodenum is part of our digestive organs. As you know, our digestive system consists of various organs, which starts from the mouth to the anus. Gastric and duodenal This is where the second stage of digesting food after food is digested in our mouths. Disruption or inflammation of the stomach and duodenum is also known as gastritis from duodenitist.
How does the disruption of gastric
/ duodenal? Look nih story: Food entering the
stomach will be digested chemically with the help of the enzyme renin and
pepsin and gastric acid (HCl). In healthy people, there is a balance between
enzymes and gastric acid by gastric mucosal resistance (layer of mucus on the
stomach). This means that the presence of enzymes and stomach acid does not
cause disruption in the lining of gastric mucosa. They live next door to both,
so that the peaceful atmosphere created in the stomach cavity. If there is a
balance disorder, there will be damage to the mucosa which causes pain (pain).
When these disturbances occur continuously, the injury occurred on the gastric
mucosal layer.
pain is caused by gastric acid stimulation of gastric mucosal layer, so that
the ends of her nerves are more sensitive to pain. The pain is usually felt in
the solar plexus area and obviously felt that it could be demonstrated with
certainty the location. Sometimes this pain is felt in the chest wall could
also be in the front or back. Besides pain, stimulation of stomach acid had
also resulted in the emergence of nausea. This pain will be felt when the stomach
is empty and disappear after a filled food.
Typical symptoms of the disorder in the duodenum is a pain at night. Not all heartburn sufferers to feel the complaints as mentioned above. There also are without symptoms, but suddenly vomiting blood or defecate with blackened blood. Therefore need to be alert at all times. This disease can affect anyone and at any age. Because so often the case, then this disease is one problem in the health field.
Typical symptoms of the disorder in the duodenum is a pain at night. Not all heartburn sufferers to feel the complaints as mentioned above. There also are without symptoms, but suddenly vomiting blood or defecate with blackened blood. Therefore need to be alert at all times. This disease can affect anyone and at any age. Because so often the case, then this disease is one problem in the health field.
1.2 Background
Ulcer disease is known to us. If you relapse, the sufferer will feel nausea, sores in the stomach, pain, and bloating. Also, many patients who spend a cold sweat and their faces become pale. In some people may even faint mag is not resistant to attack.
Mag can happen to anyone from any age group. Especially those who do not pay attention to a regular diet. Journalists are often considered among the most vulnerable and most suffer from this disease because of irregular eating habits.
Various references are made, quite popular ulcer disease among people in the United States. As many as 60 percent of people in Uncle Sam's country went to the doctor because of stomach complaints. Once diagnosed, as many as 40 percent diagnosed with an ulcer.
Ulcer disease is known to us. If you relapse, the sufferer will feel nausea, sores in the stomach, pain, and bloating. Also, many patients who spend a cold sweat and their faces become pale. In some people may even faint mag is not resistant to attack.
Mag can happen to anyone from any age group. Especially those who do not pay attention to a regular diet. Journalists are often considered among the most vulnerable and most suffer from this disease because of irregular eating habits.
Various references are made, quite popular ulcer disease among people in the United States. As many as 60 percent of people in Uncle Sam's country went to the doctor because of stomach complaints. Once diagnosed, as many as 40 percent diagnosed with an ulcer.
Medically, the main cause of ulcer is irregular eating
habits and stress. Diet is associated with the production of acid in the
stomach. This acid is used to digest the food into your stomach on a regular
schedule. Gastric acid production occurs even though we
were sleeping.
Well, irregular eating patterns make it difficult to
adapt to the stomach. If this is prolonged, excessive production of stomach
acid that would irritate the gastric mucosal wall. This is what causes pains
and nausea. These symptoms can go up into the esophagus
causing a burning fire.
Meanwhile, the
stress can also cause gastric disturbances that we call this mag. Because when the stress on the nervous system of the
brain associated with gastric disorder will experience due to
ketidakseimbamgan. In addition, stress also causes changes in the body hormomal
which can stimulate excessive production of acid. Condition that causes
stomach feels sore, and swollen.
1.3 Problems
What is an ulcer disease (Gastritias)?
What are the causes of ulcer disease
How do I avoid ulcer disease (Gastritis)?
Food and drink anything that should be
avoided for ulcer disease (Gastritis)?
How is the process of ulcer disease
(Gastritis) can occur?
1.4 Destination
To be able to find out what the cause of ulcer disease (Gastritis), the danger posed, and how to overcome ulcer disease (Gastritis) itself.
To be able to find out what the cause of ulcer disease (Gastritis), the danger posed, and how to overcome ulcer disease (Gastritis) itself.
Chapter II
disease or medical language is called gastritis is a disease suffered
irritation of gastric mucous layer and is often accompanied by infection in the
mucosal layer. When ulcer disease lasts long enough to
be added thin layer of mucous and acid secretion in the stomach will grow a lot
as well as covering the entire mucosal layer. It causes pain and kembungnya will
be heavier. Gastritis derived of two words that mean the gastric
stomach, and it is means inflammation or swelling.
is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs region caused by germs, when
can occur in acute and chronic.
2.2 Clasiffication Gastritis
Acute gastritis
Acute inflammation of the stomach
wall is usually limited to the mucosa only.
Occurs on top
of gastritis, acute gastritis ekssogen and endogenous.
b. Chronic gastritis
Chronic inflammation in the gastric wall mucosa may
part just above sub after penetration kelapisan gastric mucosa that is rich in
blood vessels. Chronic gastritis Acute gastritis occurs because na that is not
In addition, the hull will experience a failure to produce intrinsic
factor, a substance that is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12. If vitamin B12 deficiency, would be anemia (lack of
blood) that medical language is often called pernicious anemia.
In addition to pain and bloating, symptoms of clinical ulcer disease could be nausea and vomiting, headache, tongue felt thick, like coated in something (coated tongue), can increase or decrease in appetite (appetite), diarrhea (defecate, defecation), and cramps in stomach. Relapse which occurred often in the form of bloating, upper abdominal pain or cramping in the stomach.
In addition to pain and bloating, symptoms of clinical ulcer disease could be nausea and vomiting, headache, tongue felt thick, like coated in something (coated tongue), can increase or decrease in appetite (appetite), diarrhea (defecate, defecation), and cramps in stomach. Relapse which occurred often in the form of bloating, upper abdominal pain or cramping in the stomach.
Classified as recalcitrant ulcer disease. There are times when the symptoms disappeared after treatment, but often
recur. Once relapse would cause pain in epigastrum (upper abdomen),
accompanied by decreased appetite, even anorexia (appetite loss). If it were
so, there is a fever accompanied by nausea so sudden vomiting.
To avoid
the reemergence of ulcer disease, there are a few things that is recommended.
- First, restrict / even if need to avoid eating fried. In ulcer patients who are chronic, low-fat diet to its attention.
- Second, to reduce irritation to more severe gastric mucosa, should avoid sour foods, such as lime, lemon, sour tangerine which, sour oranges, tomatoes, pineapple, and foods that are too stimulating gastric (spicy hot).
- Third, avoid consuming beverages that contain alcohol, coffee, soda, carbon / gas (soft drinks).
- Fourth, it is recommended to consume foods such as papaya or other juice that contains no citrus / feels sour. Besides the consumption of foods such as brown rice (brown rice), pasta, potatoes and yoghurt.
are several things that makes a person could be attacked by inflammation of the
stomach, among others:
- Diet
People who have irregular eating
patterns susceptible to this disease. At the time of the stomach should be
filled, but left empty, or delayed filling, gastric acid will œmencernan gastric
mucosal lining, causing pain.
- Type of food
Certain foods will stimulate the
stomach wall, leading to inflammation / injury, such as eating spicy or acidic.
- Emotional stress
Gastric acid production will
increase on the state of stress, such as excessive workloads, anxiety, fear, or
rushed. Increased gastric acid levels will cause
discomfort in the stomach.
- Drug consumption
There are certain drugs which
stimulate the stomach wall, causing a balance disorder of the stomach. Therefore, certain medicines, should be consumed after
the meal. Some of them are painkillers from among salicylic acid and
mifenamat (eg aspirin, ponstan). Rheumatic drugs are also included.
- The existence of diseases such as burns, surgery kidney failure, and others.
- Alcohol and cigarettes.
Gastritis that is usually found in the society is functional heartburn.
Functional heartburn is caused by various factors. Complaints that could arise due to the increase occurred because of excessive stomach acid in the stomach. May be mentioned the flood of stomach acid.
addition to excess stomach acid can also be disrupted by the stomach bile
rising from the duodenum through the stomach can even go up to the esophagus. The
presence of increased bile can cause disturbances in the stomach to cause
damage to the wall of the stomach. Which can lead to excessive stomach acid
such as food stimulates gastric acid nature itself. Typically spicy food, acid,
food with flavor stimulates such as ginger, pepper and vinegar. Also to be
avoided coffee, alcohol (hard liquor) and retaining the drug pain (analgesic). Other factors that aggravate the ulcer is the psychic
or psychological factors, in addition there are also disease-causing bacterium
Helicobacter pylori gastritis is. Maag also can also be caused by
allergy to something specific foods, such as fish, chocolate, etc.
motility or movement is also one factor for functional heartburn penyebabkan
disorders. The presence of slow gastric emptying and food contact
resulted in gastric fluid for longer than usual and this will certainly caused
disruption in the stomach.
Motor movement Gagguan other gastrointestinal system can also cause functional heartburn, among others: the unbalanced distribution of food in the stomach, pengakomodasian in the stomach that is not balanced, antral hypomotility (usually that causes a person to vomit because the stomach is abnormal movement), gastric gastric dysrhythmias or movement which is slower than normal movement of the abdomen (tachygastrias, bradygastrias, and mixed dysrhythmias), and changes in movement of duodenum in the body.
Motor movement Gagguan other gastrointestinal system can also cause functional heartburn, among others: the unbalanced distribution of food in the stomach, pengakomodasian in the stomach that is not balanced, antral hypomotility (usually that causes a person to vomit because the stomach is abnormal movement), gastric gastric dysrhythmias or movement which is slower than normal movement of the abdomen (tachygastrias, bradygastrias, and mixed dysrhythmias), and changes in movement of duodenum in the body.
changes or movement in the body especially the digestive system that occurs
after food is digested normally would cause a slowing emptying of the stomach
space that expands the size of the abdominal muscles more than normal size and
you will feel bloated and nauseous. According to the report, the emptying of
space occurs in 30% gastric ulcer patients, and 70% of these patients is caused
by abnormal movement of the digestive system.
2.3 Food and beverages should be avoided are:
- Food and beverage that contains a lot of gas and too much fiber, among others, certain vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower), certain fruits (jackfruit, banana), certain fibrous foods (kedondong, dried fruit), beverages containing gas (such as carbonated beverages).
- Beverages stimulate gastric acid expenses among others: coffee, alcoholic beverages 50-20%, white wine, citrus juice, milk.
- Foods that are difficult to digest that can slow gastric emptying. Because this may cause an increase in gastric stretch which eventually can increase stomach acid include fatty foods, cake, chocolate and cheese.
- Food that directly damage the gastric wall of foods that contain vinegar and spicy, pepper and herbs that stimulate.
- Foods that
weaken the lower esophageal valve causing gastric fluid can rise into the
esophagus include alcohol, chocolate, high fat foods, fried foods.
Activities that increase the gas in the stomach also should be avoided, among others, eating candy, especially chewing gum and smoking.
Symptoms - symptoms of heartburn
Ulcer in general are widely found in many people of
various ages, professions, and levels of society. Most people have heard and
know the originator of the occurrence of an ulcer as late meals, irregular
meals, food or drink that stimulates the production of stomach acid, and
Still, perhaps many of us who do not fully
understand the symptoms of heartburn. Pains in the stomach / in the solar
plexus is often called an ulcer. In fact, symptoms of an ulcer should not stung
once. discomfort in the stomach / solar plexus
is accompanied by nausea or bloating and frequent belching or feeling full
quickly is also a symptom of an ulcer.
Ulcer dyspepsia is commonly known symptoms of
excess stomach acid. When stomach acid levels increase, then the hull will
experience symptoms of bloating and belching. Symptoms that occur because the
essence of this heartburn is an increase in excessive stomach acid to produce
bubbles of gas in the stomach so a person feel bloated.
Pain management
in the stomach or commonly called, sat or begah also a symptom of an ulcer
which is often not realized. This can be felt at the time before and after
meals. Also cause excessive stomach acid.
Besides a sense of bloating, nausea, abdominal or in
full, sat and begah, there are also other symptoms that are often not
recognized as symptoms of an ulcer. Symptoms are
perceived bitter taste in the mouth. This arises because of the bitter taste of
excessive stomach acid pushing up into the esophagus that arises sometimes
bitter or sour taste in the throat and mouth.
Thus, if you feel symptoms such as nausea, bloating,
or begah, sat, or a bitter taste on the tongue, even if you do not feel the
pains in the stomach, you may be experiencing symptoms of an ulcer caused by
excess stomach acid. Therefore, eating regularly and
avoiding trigger factors of ulcer is very important to prevent an ulcer.
Reduction of pain sufferers mag is not yet widely applied. There is no panacea for reducing gastric acid levels. Medically untukmengurangi given pain medicine as a sedative sedatives uneasiness because of a stomach ache. Sometimes given diuretic drugs to augment the release of bodily fluids with expectations, partly lambungakan acid come out with the liquid. But this way there was not much help.
Reduction of pain sufferers mag is not yet widely applied. There is no panacea for reducing gastric acid levels. Medically untukmengurangi given pain medicine as a sedative sedatives uneasiness because of a stomach ache. Sometimes given diuretic drugs to augment the release of bodily fluids with expectations, partly lambungakan acid come out with the liquid. But this way there was not much help.
3.1 Conlusions
Ulcer disease or
medical language is called gastritis is a disease suffered irritation of
gastric mucous layer and is often accompanied by infection in the mucosal
layer. When ulcer disease lasts long enough to be added thin layer of mucous
and acid secretion in the stomach will grow a lot as well as covering the
entire mucosal layer. It
causes pain and kembungnya will be heavier.
as recalcitrant ulcer disease. There are times
when the symptoms disappeared after treatment, but often recur. Once relapse
would cause pain in epigastrum (upper abdomen), accompanied by decreased
appetite, even anorexia (appetite loss). If it were so, there is a fever
accompanied by nausea so sudden vomiting.
Ulcer in general are widely found in many people of various ages, professions, and levels of society. Most people have heard and know the originator of the occurrence of an ulcer as late meals, irregular meals, food or drink that stimulates the production of stomach acid, and stress.
Ulcer in general are widely found in many people of various ages, professions, and levels of society. Most people have heard and know the originator of the occurrence of an ulcer as late meals, irregular meals, food or drink that stimulates the production of stomach acid, and stress.
Thus, if you
feel symptoms such as nausea, bloating, or begah, sat, or a bitter taste on the
tongue, even if you do not feel the pains in the stomach, you may be
experiencing symptoms of an ulcer caused by excess stomach acid. Therefore,
eating regularly and avoiding trigger factors of ulcer is very important to
prevent an ulcer.
3.2 Suggestions
I hope this paper will from be
useful for the reading and for authors and information Can be applied in a
paper in everyday life.
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