Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

prevent skin cancer by wearing hijab


Praise be to Allaah have mercy and His blessings so that this can be done Kary wrote. This work was completed to fill a column writer of the English language and also as a medium of learning so that more writers can make the paper.
The author presents this work with a source of books written by these studies. Authors hope that this work can motivate readers to apply what is written here. The author quite expect criticism and suggestions to improve this work.

Thank You



1.1         Background

Alhamdulillah now been rife veiled women, in public places, institutions, agencies, and schools. He said, before the 90s they have to really work hard to wear this devotion.
The books have been rife that any review of this godly dress. There are describing about the headscarf is obligatory, the postulates, the headscarf the correct terms, and some are revealing the benefits of hijab if judging from the aspect of health. authors want to present a paper on the hijab and its benefits.
Socializing hijab also means taking most of the element of Indonesian society (women) to wear veil, as we all know that the majority of Indonesian population is Muslim.
 In addition to open awareness of existing, sometimes people think that wearing the hijab is inconsistent with the development of the age, and other negative thoughts. But apparently God mensyari'atkan this with the benefits that so beautifully, using the veil can reduce and eliminate the risk of skin cancer.
 Therefore, the authors are interested in this topic

1.2         PURPOSE       

1. Socializing hijab
2. Knowing the impact poisitif covered in the health sector and other worldly benefits.


2.1    The Function Of  Hijab

Verily Allah commands contained in the extraordinary benefits for humans. One of the hijab for Muslim women. In addition to be useful for health, can also avoid the Muslim headscarf from a variety of sexual harassment and will be better appreciated.
O Prophet, say to your wives, daughters and wives of the believers: "Let them stretched shawl around their bodies." That they are so much easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
Hijab is an obligation for every Muslim. Hijab is an obligation for every Muslim. And the hijab also has benefits. It turned out that not only brings benefits but also many benefits ukhrawi earthly. Hijab does not just keep the faith and piety wearer, but also make the skin protected from the cancer and the aging process.
Cream-cream leather protector was not able to completely protect the skin from the sun. So it is recommended to protect the body with a veil. Cancer does not discriminate between men and women. It's just that women have a lower endurance than men. Therefore, women are more susceptible to disease, especially skin cancer.
Therefore, how to protect against skin cancer is to cover the skin. One of them with veiled. Because the headscarf, we protect our skin from UV rays. Protect your body by wearing the veil is not slang and tight clothes. Why? Because it's useless. Because UV rays can still penetrate tight clothing especially transparent clothing. Covered here must match the criteria of hijab.
It turned out that the hijab is not merely ukhrawi bring benefits but also many earthly benefits.  Hijab does not just keep the faith and piety wearer, but also make the skin protected from the cancer and the aging process (http://oish.cybermq.com/post/detail/10652).
There are so many benefits that can be obtained from us wear the hijab, both in terms of social, health and political But in this paper will only be discussed in terms of health care for the health.

2.2    Understanding of UV Rays

              Leather and apendicesnya are complex structures that make up the body tissues strong and hard. Function can be affected by damage to the structure demikia also by disease. Since there are many skin diseases that affect only the most frequently found it to be discussed here.

              Hijab preventing various skin diseases. Our skin is composed of epidermis, dermis, and subcotaneous layers. Number of skin diseases caused by direct sunlight, especially UV exposed skin. What else at this time have reduced the number of ozone layer resulted in more and more UV rays into the earth.
The ozone layer serves to absorb any short-wave rays that are not on earth. UV rays are invisible rays that are part of the energy emitted by the sun. This light has three different wavelengths, namely: A, B, C.
A wavelength range 315-400 nm, the wave of type A cause skin burns (sunburn) when exposed to sunlight for a long time. Type B wavelength ranges 280-315 nm, the wave of type B causes skin cancer when exposed to sunlight for several years. C wavelength ranges 150-280 nm, light light wave type C is the most dangerous and deadly. UV light type C usually in use in sterilization because kemapuannya kill bacteria and viruses.
A and B rays cause skin cancer to humans, either directly or indirectly. A rays penetrate the skin more deeply than in B, but its damage is lower. A ray damage some cells that would later lead to skin cancer. B rays cause skin cancer directly, because the power of destruction is greater than A, especially for those who are too often exposed to direct sunlight.

2.3    Several Skin Diseases

Hijab prevents any direct contact between the skin and sunlight so the skin protected from the dangers of the sun is directly affected. Scientifically proven that  exposed to direct sunlight can cause various kinds of skin disease dangerous to humans. Among them are:
a)                                Sunburn
              Sunburn caused by exceeding the endurance levels of the skin against UV. Like a fire burns because both symptoms and levels. Suburn occurred on a bright-skinned people after exposure to the sun less than a quarter of an hour. While the brown-skinned people (dark) are able to survive under the same sun for 3-9 hours.
       Sunburn symptoms do not appear immediately after exposure to sunlight, but after some time. Symptoms begin from feeling sore and red colors appear.
Pains will reach a peak after 6-48 hours of sun stung. Generally, swelling of skin, especially skin legs. Usually accompanied the blast of hot sun in the heat, and this sometimes causes fever.

b)   Solar keratoses (inflammation of the outer skin from sun)
              Shaped like a rough scales that appear on the skin is burned. This condition can develop into skin cancer that attacks the cells flattened squamous cell.
Inflammation is also frequently found on sites repeatedly exposed to the sun, especially the backs of the hands and face.  Which is often inflammation of the face is the nose, the bulge of the cheek, upper lip and forehead. The disease is more common in people who work in an open space in the long term. Prevention can be done to protect the skin from UV radiation.

c) Solar urticaria (itching for the sun)
              This disease occurs in both men and women, but it rarely happens. Kebanyakan kasus terjadi sebelum usia 40 tahun. Most cases occur before age 40 years. Immediate symptoms appear immediately after exposure to the sun. This disease usually attacks the face and back of his hand. Kondisi ini akan semakin parah seiring dengan makin lamanya seseorang terkena sengatan matahari. This condition will get worse along with the length of a person exposed to the sun.

d), photosensitivity (skin sensitive to sunlight)
              Sensitive nature in the light occurs due to unnatural reactions, both in quality and quantity, between the skin and light. The most common reaction was found between type B with UV light the skin cells. Effects arising from scabies is red swollen and painful. This can take place within a few days until berminggi-week.

e) Skin cancer
              All types of skin cancer is the result of sun exposure, especially when the hot sun from 10 am until 4 pm. Scientists believe that UV rays can damage DNA in skin cells and turn them into cancerous tumors. The most potential areas of skin cancer is the face, palms, arms and calves. Skin-skin affected by sunburn more potential skin cancer. Like those who hung himself naked on a regular basis (sunbath).
These rays can damage or at least weaken the antibody cells that spread on the skin surface. Akibatnya, pertumbuhan tumor kanker pun semakin ganas. As a result, the growth of cancer tumors grew even more ferocious. Sinar-sinar tersebut juga berpengaruh pada kesehatan kulit dan keindahannya. These rays also affect skin health and beauty.

f) squamous cell carcinoma (cancer cells flattened / cell squama)
The disease is considered the most widespread skin cancer has spread. Sufferers that most people who are sensitive to the sun. This disease at the onset of skin inflammation caused by sun exposure. This disease at the onset of the occurrence of side-small scales that appear on the face, ears and hands of white people, who for years while sunbathing naked in the sun.

g) In situ squamous cell carcinoma (cancer cells are localized flattened)
              Also known by the name bonz. Cancer cells concentrate on the outer skin only, size ranged from one to several centimeters. The main cause of cancer is partially exposed to sunlight containing UV.

h) Melanoma
             A dangerous cancer that can be treated if found early. It is the growth of cells, chromatin at the outer layer of skin and the layer underneath are unchecked. Like other cancers, this type of skin disease at first like, then spread to other places such as eyes, mouth and brain. This disease can menjakiti all ages, but most are aged 50-70 years. Victims who died for it in the hundreds each year. The main cause of this disease because it is often exposed to sunlight as a kid. (http://www.ranahdamai.org/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=298 )

2.3     Symptoms
Symptoms of skin cancer is the presence of new skin growth or change in skin growth, with the characteristics:
·       Abnormalities of the skin with a wound or bleeding
·       Abnormalities of the skin accompanied by changes in size, shape or color (skin changes)
·       Pigmentation or uneven color on the skin lesions
·       Edge of an irregular / uneven
·       Abnormality is not symmetrical
·       There is a clear elevation of skin
·       Large size (larger than a pencil eraser)
is skin cancer often appears?
·       Basal Cell Carcinoma biasanya muncul pada area tubuh yang seringkali terpapar matahari, yaitu wajah, leher, area-V dada, dan punggung bagian atas. Basal Cell Carcinoma usually appear on areas of the body are often exposed to the sun, namely the face, neck, V-area of chest and upper back.
·       Squamous Cell Carcinoma juga seringkali muncul pada wajah, leher, area-V dada dan punggung bagian atas. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is also often appears on the face, neck, area-V upper chest and back.
·       Cutaneus Malignant Melanoma biasanya muncul pada batang tubuh (daerah antara leher hingga pinggul) dan kaki. Cutaneous malignant melanoma usually appears on the trunk (the area between the neck to the hips) and legs.
2.4     Therapy
There are three types of skin cancer therapy, namely:
·       Operation: Take or destroy cancer. Could use a knife, surgical frozen, curettage, surgical mikrografik, or laser.
·       Khemoterapi: Giving drugs to kill cancer cells. Drugs that can be applied (lotion or cream), drink or drug injection.
·       Radiation therapy: using X-rays to destroy cancer cells. Usually used in cancer in areas difficult to do surgery (eg ear, eyelid and nose tip) and in patients with old age.
There is also another additional therapy, namely fotodinamik therapy (using drugs and radiation), biological therapy (using the body's own immune system).

            The success of cancer therapy is usually measured by five-years survival rate. Namely the percentage of patients who managed to live and not experience cancer recurrence 5 years after therapy.
Here is a skin cancer cure rates by type:
·       Basal cell carcinoma: more than 99 percent
·       Squamous cell carcinoma: more than 95 percent
·       Cutaneous malignant melanoma: less than 88 percent in cases where the cancer has not spread. In cases with spread to nearby lymph nodes down to 58 percent success. And a 13 per cent in the case with the spread to other organs (http://malangraya.web.id/2008/08/24/).

2.4                            Preventing skin disease

There are several steps that have been recommended by Amirican Academy of Dermatology and the Skin Cancer Foundation to reduce the risk of skin cancer:
§      Minimize the expose to the sun at midday, at 10:00 until 03:00 hours (afternoon).
§                                       Wear a sunscreen with at least SPF-15 or higher to all parts of the body that was expose to sunlight.
§                                        Apply more sunscreen every two hours, even when overcast though. Repeat after swimming or sweating.
§                                       Wear clothing that covers the body and face (hat are also recommended as a supplement to cover two parts, ie the face and neck).
§                                       Avoid exposedengan ultraviolet radiation on the light.
§                                       Protect children from exposure to sunlight to shine at 10:00 hours (morning) till 3:00 (pm).
§                                        Use suncreen only for children aged 6 months to atas.Anak children under the age of 6 months of exposure should be avoided at this hour.

Closing aurot is a solution

From a scientific fact that in fact written by scientists that western people, secra obvious it can be concluded that closing the syar'i aurot really have to protect the Muslims (especially Muslimat) from danger, especially skin cancer. It is very they (infidels) instead of an all-out turned out to prove they own some of the benefits to manusia.Bahkan, they themselves who made the recommendation to close the body to protect it from sun exposure. Kian day ozone layer thinned, nd the risk of skin cancer is rising


3.1    Conclusion

Hijab is a commandment of God that we shall wear. And what God commands definitely worth it. And can we squawk about the benefits of the hijab which can prevent skin diseases, cancer and premature aging.
Although this paper discusses about the worldly benefits covered, but the intention should be straight, because God is veiled.

3.2   Suggestion

Let's socialize veil


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